Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Part B- Cross Cultural Management (Student's Review of a Peer's Essay

Part B- Cross Cultural Management (Student's Review of a Peer's Posting) - Essay Example Reynolds et al (2003) emphasize the importance of effective negotiation when undergoing intercultural negotiations. Reynolds (2003) states that ‘managers spend more than 50% of their time negotiating’ and when negotiating with other cultures managers should be aware and respect the differences to avoid conflict. Reynolds et al (2003) also portrayed the link between different negotiation styles and different cultures, which was also discussed in the lecture this week. Such as different cultures being individualistic or collective, centralised or de-centralised, which was discussed in this weeks lecture. The link between trust and negotiation style is also portrayed both in this weeks lecture and this journal article, such as some cultures find relationship building to be an important aspect. Negotiation is extremely important to avoid conflict or solve conflict when dealing with international managers and or companies. Therefore, Reynolds et al (2003) emphasize of the importance of understanding different cultures and their negotiation style is highly vital and relevant to this weeks lecture. This week’s lecture portrays a deeper view of the negotiation process such as portraying that ‘every negotiation party has its own interests, priorities, and strategy’ (Santha, 2007) therefore for a negotiation party to be successful they need to research the culture and gain a good understanding of it. The journal article realises this point and portrays the growing importance of cross cultural negotiation studies. The way Reynolds et al (2003) has done this is by portraying the growing interest in ‘international business negotiation studies’, this is depicted in (Appendix one), where it portrays the number of articles published concerning internat ional business negotiation has risen from (5) on the scale during the year 2000, to (26) on the scale in 1998. The article is also relevant to this weeks lecture is because it portrays how different cultures use

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